Buddies for Kids – Mieskaverit®

Buddies for Kids are adult men volunteering to spend time with single mothers' children who have no contact with their own father or other men. The goal of Buddies for Kids is to provide an opportunity for the child to have an adult male mentor in his or her life, to help the child and the buddy build a safe and confidential relationship, and to provide the child with an expanded network to support his or her development.

A buddy can be any ordinary, dependable, and trustworthy man. Age, appearance, citizenship, occupation, or other personal characteristics play no role. The goal is not to reinforce male stereotypes; every man is welcome to volunteer just as he is. What matters is the capability of interacting with all sorts of people and the time and the will to share one's everyday life with a child.

The models used by Buddies for Kids are well established, praised and proven functional, and they are easily applicable in other cities as well. Right now there are Buddies for Kids volunteers in Uusimaa, Lahti, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, and Vaasa.

050-302 1359
